Use of personal information
The Tottori Prefecture Tourism Guide (hereafter, this site) maintains a strict privacy policy with regard to personal information (name, date of birth, and other personal identification or information), email address, user ID, password, credit card numbers and the like, as well as information concerning hobbies, family structure, age, or other information that could be used to identify any individual.
Cookies and IP Addresses
Cookies and IP addresses cannot in themselves be used for purposes of identification and are thus not regarded as private information unless used in conjunction with individual information of the types listed above.
Details on Usage of Personal Information
Any private information collected by this site is use for internal purposes only.
Restrictions on Usage of Personal Information
Any personal details are collected only after permission is granted by the user, and no such information will be used beyond the bounds necessary for purposes of site workings.
However, the following extenuating circumstances may apply:
- State of legal emergency
- Threat to individual life, body, or property precluding acquisition of user consent
- Necessity of protection of public health or juvenile welfare precluding acquisition of user consent
- Requirement by national government organ or other local public body for information crucial to official duty when user consent may jeopardise said duty
Proper Acquisition of Personal Information
This site performs proper collection of personal information and does not use said information for purposes of deception or other wrongful means.
Notification of Purpose of Use
This site provides a declaration of the purpose for which any personal details obtained will be used in advance. However, the following extenuating circumstances may apply:
- Circumstances in which revealing the purpose for which the information will be used would threaten the user’s, or any third party’s, life, body, or property
- Circumstances in which revealing the purpose for which the information will be used would endanger company privilege or profit
- Circumstances in which requirement by national government organ or other local public body for official duty when revelation of purpose of use may jeopardise said duty
- Circumstances in which the purpose for which information is to be used is clear from context
Changes to Purpose of Use
In case of site change to purpose of use, purpose prior to change and related attributes do not exceed regular bounds and users will be notified of changes by official announcement or other means.
Safety Management of Personal Information and Employee Supervision
This site undertakes to prevent damage, loss, or revelation of personal information through appropriate supervision of employees.
This site undertakes to supervise employee handling of personal information through appropriate supervision. -
Supervision of Entrusted Entities
In circumstances in which any personal information is entrusted to any other entity, same safety administration is undertaken through appropriate supervision.
Restrictions on Provision to Any Third Party
Information will not be furnished to any third party without the express consent of the user except in the following cases:
- State of legal emergency
- Threat to individual life, body, or property precluding acquisition of user consent
- Necessity of protection of public health or juvenile welfare precluding acquisition of user consent
- Requirement by national government organ or other local public body for information crucial to official duty when user consent may jeopardise said duty
- The following notification will be given or made public in cases of:
- (a) Purpose of use is included in that furnished to third party
- (b) Data is entered into that provided to third party
- (c) Means of provision to third party
- (d) Request by user not to provide information to third party
- However, the following bodies do not fall under the definition of third party.
- Entrustment of whole or part of said information for purposes of use
Cooperation between particular body for facilitation of use within limitations of said cooperation where use of personal information and other details by such party is previously known to user, including user knowledge of said body’s name, title, or other identifying characteristics
- Entrustment of whole or part of said information for purposes of use
Official Announcement of Personal Information of Concern
Official announcement of the following matters will be made to user upon request without delay:
- Purpose of use of personal information (except in cases in which law pertaining to protection of private information prevents revelation outside of legal duty; in such cases the user will be notified that such information is not to be revealed).
- Contact point for inquiries regarding personal information
Disclosure of Personal Information
Information will be provided to user without delay upon user request. However, in the following circumstances, said information in whole or in part may not be provided, in which case the user shall be notified to that effect without delay:
- Circumstances in which revealing said information will be used would threaten the user’s, or any third party’s, life, body, or property
- Circumstances in which revealing said information would pose undue restrictions on execution of company work
- Circumstances restricted by other laws and ordinances
No restrictions covering personal information apply to information not of a personal nature including but not limited to access logs.
Amendments to Personal Information
When requested by the user, this site is able to edit, add, or delete non-photographic content, except where regulated by special procedures of laws, ordinances, or other stipulations, within limitations of progress of personal use; the user will be notified without delay of said edits to personal information.
Suspension of Use of Personal Information
When requested by the user on grounds of overstepping limits of public declarations of personal use or in case of determination of deception or wrongful means, this site is able to cease or eliminate use, as well as provide a prompt investigation, and terminate use of personal information on the basis of results of said investigation, in which case the user will be notified to that extent. However, in circumstances under which termination of use would case undue liability to the site, user rights and privileges may be compensated by means other than termination.
Explanation of Reasons
This site will make every effort to furnish an explanation in response to user requests that cannot be met in the following cases.
- Purpose of use not to be revealed
- Personal information not to be disclosed in whole or in part
- Use of personal information not be ceased
- Personal information not to be transmitted to any third party