Kurayoshi Kasuri, with its beautifully intricate patterns that look as though they were woven directly from a painting, was created around 200 years ago by Daisuke Inashima when he popularized the flower and bird and landscape designs of Kasuri. It gained fame during the Meiji Era when it was awarded at World Fairs abroad. In the modern era, the Kurayoshi Kasuri Preservation Society has inherited this traditional craft and sells everything from kimono shirts and curtains, to bags, purses and table centers made in-house at the Kurayoshi Furusato Crafts Museum, where visitors can also witness live weaving demonstrations. The Kurayoshi Kasuri is also used for the washbasin curtains on the Super Hakuto express train that runs between Kurayoshi and Kyoto.
Address |
2606 Higashi nakamachi, Kurayoshi-shi, Tottori
TEL | 0858-23-2255 |